PDQ Approved Vendor for Used Cooking Oil Service and Equipment

DPS will provide to PDQ stores, nationwide:

  • Service and equipment at no cost (except in limited areas*)
  • Equipment:  Cleanstar GRN 1500, including freight delivery
  • Tank will be installed in store's mechanical room (refer to new location mechanical drawings for details)
  • Proprietary anti-theft fitting on outside wall; only DPS service vehicles can connect
  • Rebates based on approved national program

    (* contact your DPS Account Executive for details)

Provided by PDQ contracted plumbing company:

  • Installation of tank, including
    • Hard-piped connection directly from fryer]
    • Overflow alarm box
    • Extraction pipe through outside wall, for DPS truck to remove oil

We're proud to be an Approved Vendor for the PDQ family!

Troubleshooting:  Your fryer manufacturer's authorized repair company should be first contact.

For other questions about the DPS/PDQ national program, contact:
     Mitch Starr, DPS Account Executive
         phone:  855-327-7761
         email:  mstarr@darpro.com