Common questions about used cooking oil disposal

Can You Pour Oil Down the Drain?

No. You should never pour used cooking oil down the drain. Why? While hot used cooking oil might seem like a liquid substance with little to no difference from water, it is. Grease hardens when it dries and will stick to the side of your pipes and cause plumbing issues. What does make it down the drain will make it into your restaurant grease trap and municipality’s sewer system, which will lead to bigger issues and could lead to your business being fined.

Related:What happens to used cooking oil when it goes down the drain

Should You Throw It Away?

No. Throwing used cooking oil away in the trash might seem like an easy and permanent fix, but it is just as bad for the environment as letting it go down the drain. It’ll eventually end up in a landfill or elsewhere and cause environmental issues.

Should You Throw It Away Outdoors?

No. You should never throw used frying oil outside. It may seem harmless, but the grease will still eventually end up in the sewer system and cause clogs and other issues. Dumping your used cooking oil into the ground is bad for the environment and is also detrimental to surrounding wildlife.

All Used Cooking Oils That Go in a Fryer Can Be Disposed of the Same Way

What should you do with your used cooking oil? You should recycle it with a reputable used cooking oil recycling service. Recycling used cooking oil prevents it from ending up in the sewer system, sticking to the side of your pipes and diverting it from ending up in a landfill. Recycling is the safest and most eco-friendly way to dispose of used cooking oil because it gives it a renewed purpose. Many providers break the oil down into ingredients used in the production of renewable diesel, a cleaner-burning alternative to petroleum that reduces carbon emissions by up to 85 percent per gallon.

Wondering how to dispose of vegetable oil? Or, how to dispose of canola oil? It can all be done the same way. While there are many different brands and blends of used cooking oil, generally speaking, they can all be recycled the same way. You should partner with a used cooking oil recycling provider and install a used cooking oil storage tank for the most optimal solution.

How Should a Residential or Smaller Non-commercial Kitchen Dispose of Used Cooking Oil?

Maybe you’re a low-volume oil producer looking to dispose of a small amount or generating oil from a home kitchen. Most used cooking oil recycling providers won’t service homes and some non-commercial kitchens, but there are still responsible ways to dispose of your oil.

Finding any sort of renewed purpose for it is always preferred. Look into composting it as an option as well as upcycling into something new. With an emphasis on more ecofriendly ways to handle kitchen waste, many municipalities even offer centralized, local disposal of cooking oils. These are preferred methods to throwing it away in the trash or elsewhere outdoors.

Hardening the oil and disposing of it via the trash is a last resort option if it is a very small amount, but it is still not advised. If you end up having to take this route, make sure you do not throw it away in a drain, yard or bushes to where it will eventually get into the sewer.

How Do I Start Recycling Used Cooking Oil?

How does your commercial kitchen start the process of recycling used cooking oil? Research a reputable used cooking service provider online by searching for ‘used cooking oil disposal near me’ or ‘used cooking oil pick up near me’. Once you find one, call to set up service. Your provider will typically have a tank delivered within a couple of weeks, and once it is installed, you’re all set.

What Cooking Oil Container Options Are There?

Different providers offer various options for used cooking oil storage. The most basic is a standard outdoor bin. It rests somewhere in your parking lot, typically near your trash receptacle or in your corral. This container is a durable option for those with limited kitchen space but does requires manual transfer of used cooking oil. Meaning, your employees will have to drain the oil from the fryer, carry it outside to the outdoor storage bin and pour the oil in.

The Best and Most Efficient Way To Dispose of Used Cooking Oil: Automated Equipment

Automated used cooking oil storage equipment eliminates the injury and risk that comes with employees handling a batch of hot used cooking oil. It’s also quicker and more efficient. Most automated tanks can connect directly to your fryer and suction the oil out with one flip of a lever.

Direct connection’s availability is based on fryer compatibility and tank placement. If direct connection isn’t possible, there are other options such as a portable grease caddy, which is still is still an effective way is still a safe and efficient way to transfer used cooking oil.

Related: What to Consider When Selecting a Used Cooking Oil Storage Tank

How Is My Used Cooking Oil Picked Up?

The process will vary slightly depending on which provider you chose, but most service partners pick up based on your container capacity and expected volume of used cooking oil disposed. This helps them optimize their service route while also servicing you in the most efficient way possible. Doing it this way avoids your provider disrupting your business’ daily operations with unnecessary stops on your property.

Though your service provider will be tracking the amount of oil you use, volumes fluctuate. You should still be mindful of tank capacity and be sure to call your service partner if the tank is nearing its capacity.

Why Recycling Is the Best Way

Recycling used cooking oil is the best way to dispose of it. It’s better for the environment, better for your restaurant’s plumbing and keeps your employees safe. It’s also better for your bottom line. Also, your service partner should provide you with a competitive, market-based rebate for collecting your used cooking oil. All of those things make recycling the ultimate way to go.

DAR PRO Solutions provides professional used cooking oil recycling solutions to commercial kitchens across America. Our method is proven to be safe, efficient and the best way to prevent used cooking oil from ending up in a landfill. Reach out to a DAR PRO representative today and find out how your business can benefit from our program. Call us 24/7/365 at 855-DAR-PRO1 (855-327-7761).

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